
The constructor of SapientML class consumes various parameters depending on plugin installation. Here we show the parameters you can assign at the constructor of SapientML in cases of each model_type assigned.

Model types

sapientml provides the plugin mechanism for generating source code that is different from the original algorithm of sapientml in utilizing machine learning models and preprocessing components. Each plugin has a unique model_type, and users can choose one of them as a parameter of the constructor of SapientML class. The default value of model_type is sapientml, which is provided by sapientml_core plugin.

Parameters for sapientml

target_columns (list[str])

Names of target columns.

task_type (classification’, ‘regression’, or None) = None

Identifies the task type from classification or regression, or automatically suggests it if set to None

adaptation_metric (str) = ‘f1’ if task_type is ‘classification’, ‘r2’ if ‘regression’

Metric for evaluation. f1, auc, ROC_AUC, accuracy, Gini, LogLoss, MCC (Matthews correlation coefficient), QWK (Quadratic weighted kappa) are available for classification. r2, RMSLE, RMSE, MAE are available for regression.

split_method (‘random’, ‘time’, or ‘group’) = ‘random’

Method of train-test split. random uses random split. time requires split_column_name. This sorts the data rows based on the column, and then splits data. group requires split_column_name. This splits the data so that rows with the same value of split_column_name are not placed in both training and test data.

split_seed (int) = 17

Random seed for train-test split. Ignored when split_method='time'.

split_train_size (float) = 0.75

The ratio of training size to input data. Ignored when split_method='time'.

split_column_name (str or None) = None

Name of the column used to split. Ignored when split_method='random'

time_split_num (int) = 5

Passed to n_splits of TimeSeriesSplit. Valid only when split_method='time'.

time_split_index (int) = 4

The index of the split from TimeSeriesSplit. Valid only when split_method='time'.

split_stratification (bool or None) = None

To perform stratification in train-test split. Valid only when task_type='classification'.

initial_timeout (int) = 600

Timelimit to execute each generated script. Ignored when hyperparameter_tuning=True and hyperparameter_tuning_timeout is set.

timeout_for_test (int) = 0

Timelimit to execute test script (final_script) and Visualization.

cancel (CancellationToken or None) = None

Object to interrupt evaluations.

project_name (str or None) = None

Project name.

debug (bool) = False

Debug mode or not.

use_pos_list (list[str]) = [“名詞”, “動詞”, “助動詞”, “形容詞”, “副詞”]

List of parts-of-speech to be used during text analysis. This variable is used for japanese texts analysis. Select the part of speech below. “名詞”, “動詞”, “形容詞”, “形容動詞”, “副詞”.

use_word_stemming (bool) = True

Specify whether or not word stemming is used. This variable is used for japanese texts analysis.

n_models (int) = 3

Number of output models to be tried.

seed_for_model (int) = 42

Random seed for models such as RandomForestClassifier.

id_columns_for_prediction (list[str] or None) = None

Name of the dataframe columns that outputs the prediction result.

use_word_list (list[str], dict[str, list[str]], or None) = None

List of words to be used as features when generating explanatory variables from text. If dict type is specified, key must be a column name and value must be a list of words.

hyperparameter_tuning (bool) = False

On/Off of hyperparameter tuning.

hyperparameter_tuning_n_trials (int) = 10

The number of trials of hyperparameter tuning.

hyperparameter_tuning_timeout (int) = 0

Time limit for hyperparameter tuning in each generated script. Ignored when hyperparameter_tuning is False.

hyperparameter_tuning_random_state (int) = 1023

Random seed for hyperparameter tuning.

predict_option (‘default’ or ‘probability’) = ‘default’

Specify predict method (default: predict(), probability: predict_proba().)

permutation_importance (bool) = True

On/Off of outputting permutation importance calculation code.

add_explanation (bool) = False

If True, outputs ipynb files including EDA and explanation.